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Lisa Kennedy and Heather Foster

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Lisa Kennedy
Heather Foster
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Coming Together

Power, Privilege & Oppression

Workshop/Course Description

Workshop Description: The goal of this interactive workshop is to discuss and recognize audism, microaggression, power and privilege that Deaf people experience daily. What kind of responsibilities and roles should the Deaf people have toward the hearing community? Through group discussion, the participants will have opportunity to discuss scenarios and share how to become a better ally with others.


  • Participants will be able to recognize audism and microaggressions that Deaf people experience daily.

  • Participants will be able to delineate roles and responsibilities that they have about the hearing community.

  • Through the discussion of given scenarios, participants will discover ways that they came become better allies.



Lisa Kennedy is the Deaf Service Specialist for the Morganton Regional Center with the Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH). A graduate of the North Carolina School for the Deaf, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Gallaudet University. She worked at People Encouraging People Inc., before relocating back to North Carolina to be with her family. She previously worked at the NC School for the Deaf. Lisa has a passion for and is an ally to the Deaf and Deafblind communities.


Heather Foster, Regional Manager with the Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH) in Morganton. She was born Deaf to hearing parents and has two sisters, one who is also Deaf. Heather grew

up here mostly in Morganton and went to the NC School for the Deaf and was mainstreamed at East Burke High School where she graduated. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish from Gallaudet University and a Master of Science degree in Deaf Education from McDaniel College. She enjoys being with her family, traveling and being with friends.

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