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Wanda Riddle

(photo description: 

“Understanding ASL

Depiction re: |self| in ICL”

Workshop/Course Description

The workshop will discuss what functions |self| discover in ASL depiction (Dudis, 2007) and how learning |self| used in ASL depiction gains ASL learners' second language development. In theory, the concept of |self| used in ASL depiction appears complicated within ASL comprehension for ASL learners. We will discuss, recognize, and pinpoint potential challenges of ASL as L2 learners blending |self| in the real space.


  • Participants will be able to describe how |self| contributes to an ASL learner’s second language development.

  • Participants will be able to pinpoint potential challenges of ASL as L2 learnings blend |self| in real space.

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